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By Partners, for Partners

Boot Straps Fund

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Our Story

Over the years, Boot Barn Partners have experienced the unfortunate reality of unexpected disaster, illness, injury or personal loss, and have always found a way to support each other through these hard times. The Boot Barn Boot Straps Fund was created to provide assistance to our fellow Boot Barn colleagues, teammates and coworkers experiencing financial hardship as a result of a sudden emergency. The Boot Straps Fund is a Partner-operated, Partner-supported charity where every dollar donated will go to a Partner in need. The goal of the Boot Straps Fund is simple: to provide short-term financial assistance to Boot Barn Partners in the event of unforeseen qualified personal hardships.

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"My wife needed to have emergency surgery and I had to take time off to take care of her. I had no idea how I was going to stay current with bills while being out of work, but Boot Straps saved us and assisted me with my bills while I was out of work. I don't know what we would have done without Boot Straps!"
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Our Partners' Stories

"A windstorm knocked over the powerline by my house, resulting in some expensive repairs. The Boot Straps Fund was able to assist me with my housing repairs and replace my food I lost during the accident. I cannot express how thankful I am for Boot Straps and the stress they saved me from!"
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"When my family and I urgently had to leave our living situation, Boot Straps was able to assist me with my moving costs at our new apartment. Without Boot Straps, we would have been homeless or living in my car during this time. I cannot thank Boot Straps enough for helping me and my family find a safe place to live and getting us back on our feet!"

Eligibility Guidelines

All Boot Barn Partners that meet the eligibility criteria may apply for assistance from the Boot Straps Fund. To be eligible for assistance, you must meet all of the following requirements:

Dependent Guidelines

Only Boot Barn Partners can apply for assistance from the fund. When reviewing your application, your number of eligible dependents will be considered. Eligible dependents include:

  • You must be a Part Time or Full Time Partner, in good standing, with a minimum of 6 months continuous employment. Seasonal Partners are not eligible to apply to the Boot Straps Fund.

  • You must not have been approved for or received financial assistance from the Boot Straps Fund within the past 12 months.

  • Your situation must meet the fund guidelines and definition of an emergency or personal financial hardship resulting from natural disaster, illness, accident or any other family emergency that is unforeseen and beyond your control.

  • Spouse (unless legally separated)

  • Unmarried dependent children under age 19

  • Unmarried dependent children under age 25 if dependent on you for financial support and a full-time student

  • Legally recognized Domestic partner

Please email with any questions or call (949) 453-4498

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